Hi Guys, Today I will talk about 3d printer and share with you a complete list of 3d printer parts. I will also share the link along with the parts list, you can directly visit the selling website and buy the stuff to make 3d printer.

In the market, there are many prebuild 3d printers are available, but who is the technical person and low budget or want to learn how 3d printers are works, they keen to make 3d printer by own they have two option. Either they can buy a complete DIY 3d printer kit or they can buy electronics and mechanical parts individually.

In this article, you can find each and every part which needs to make 3d printer.

List of 3d Printer Parts

  1. Owl 6 years ago

    I think you forgot frame and the rods, otherwise thank you and good job!

  2. Shane Foster 6 years ago

    This is not a complete list. It doesn’t include the rods, threaded rod, power supply, etc.

  3. Amir 6 years ago

    Price of Small plastic printing machine.

    • Sri Chaitanya 2 years ago

      Its just 15k u can buy the parts from online shopping then u can assemble as per the manual instructions

  4. Tim H Goymerac 5 years ago

    I have a Craft bot 3d printer an have a cover built for the printer, however I can’t find the external fan and the wiring harness, Any ideas?


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